Diátaxis Framework

SwimOS documentation follows the Diátaxis framework. You’re encouraged to read about the framework to understand how documents get created for different audiences. Each document on this site should fall into a specific category.

Diátaxis Framework Overview


This section maps to the Tutorials section in Diátaxis. It contains a group of tutorials that takes the reader through a project from start to finish. The reader should have a working project once they’ve completed the tutorial.


This section maps to the Guides section in Diátaxis. Documents in this category should walk the user through accomplishing a specific goal.


This section maps to the Reference section in Diátaxis. Documents in this category go into detail about the product, such as configuration options or CLI commands and examples. API and Javadoc documentation lives here.


This section maps to the Explanation section in Diátaxis. It contains a group of high level guides on SwimOS fundamentals, why it’s exciting, and highlights what can be done with it.


This isn’t part of the Diátaxis framework. It contains a collection of docs that explain how to manage and update this documentation site.