Command Lanes

This page covers the specifics of Command Lanes and does not cover the more general aspects of Lanes. For more general information about lanes, see the Lane page.


Command Lanes are the simplest type of lanes in SwimOS. They are stateless lanes that receive commands and invoke their registered on_command lifecycle callback with the received command. While command lanes are stateless, any commands received are broadcast to any linked peers.

Example: using a Command Lane to update the state of another lane:

use swimos::agent::{
    event_handler::{HandlerActionExt, EventHandler},
    lifecycle, projections, AgentLaneModel,
    lanes::{ValueLane, CommandLane}

use swimos_form::Form;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Form)]
enum Operation {

struct ExampleAgent {
    command: CommandLane<Operation>,
    state: ValueLane<i32>

struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    pub fn on_command(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, operation: &Operation) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        let operation = *operation;
            // Get the current state of our `state` lane.
            .and_then(move |state| {
                // Calculate the new state.
                let new_state = match operation {
                    Operation::Add(val) => state + val,
                    Operation::Sub(val) => state - val,
                // Return a event handler which updates the state of the `state` lane.
                context.set_value(ExampleAgent::STATE, new_state)

Use cases

Command Lanes can be used to run any user-defined logic within a Web Agent when a command has been received. Common usecases are:

Event handler

The command lane lifecycle event handler has the following signature for an i32 command:

fn handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, value: &i32) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {

Only one may be registered for the lane and it is invoked exactly once with a reference to the command after it has been received.

Handler Context Operations

The HandlerContext provided as an argument to lifecycle event handlers provides a command function for sending commands to a CommandLane local to the agent:

use swimos::agent::{
    lifecycle, AgentLaneModel, projections

struct ExampleAgent {
    command: CommandLane<i32>,
    add: CommandLane<i32>

struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    fn command_handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, value: &i32) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        context.command(ExampleAgent::ADD, value)

    fn add_handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, value: &i32) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {

A send_command function is available for issuing commands to a local or remote agent:

use swimos::agent::{
    lifecycle, AgentLaneModel, projections

struct ExampleAgent {
    command: CommandLane<i32>,

struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    fn handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, value: &i32) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        context.send_command(Some("ws://"), "node", "lane", "command")


A subscription to a Command Lane can only be achieved via a Value Downlink. Commands are issued using the set operation:

use swimos_client::{BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle, DownlinkConfig, RemotePath, SwimClientBuilder};
use swimos_form::Form;

#[derive(Debug, Form, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Operation {

async fn main() {
    let (client, task) = SwimClientBuilder::default().build().await;
    let _client_task = tokio::spawn(task);
    let handle = client.handle();

    let exec_path = RemotePath::new("ws://", "/example/1", "command");
    let exec_lifecycle = BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle::<Operation>::default()
        // Register an event handler that is invoked when the downlink connects to the agent.
        .on_linked_blocking(|| println!("Downlink linked"))
        // Register an event handler that is invoked when the downlink receives a command.
        .on_event_blocking(|value| println!("Downlink event: {value:?}"));

    let exec_downlink = handle
        .expect("Failed to open downlink");


        .expect("Failed to listen for ctrl-c.");

Further reading: Downlinks

Try It Yourself

A standalone project that demonstrates Command Lanes is available here.