Event Downlink

Version Note

This documentation describes Swim JS packages v4.0.0 or later. Users of earlier package versions may experience differences in behavior.

EventDownlink is not so much a subtype of Downlink as it is the base type of all downlinks. While not literally a superclass of ValueDownlink, and MapDownlink, EventDownlink inherits from the same prototype as the others but contains no additional frills. For example, MapDownlink supports registering different callbacks for observing when a key-value pair has been added versus when one has been removed; and ValueDownlink has the didSet callback for when its synced value has been updated. EventDownlink, on the other hand, offers no specialized handling of WARP messages with respect to the type of Web Agent lane it is connected to. It provides a raw view of a WARP link, passing all received updates to a single onEvent callback.

Here is how to create a simple EventDownlink with a WARP client’s downlink method.

import { WarpClient } from "@swim/client";

const client = new WarpClient();
const downlink = client.downlink({
  hostUri: "warp://example.com",
  nodeUri: "/house/electricityMeter",
  laneUri: "stats"

Note the term that is used to refer to the kinds of events which trigger onEvent: “updates”. Think of this as events which involve some state change. This could mean adding or removing keys to or from a map-based lane, or updating a ValueDownlink’s synced value. WARP messages related to a downlink’s connection state, such as those with the “link”, “linked”, “sync”, “synced”, “unlink”, and “unlinked” tags, are not processed by the onEvent callback. onEvent is passed a single parameter of type Value.

An application may update UI views and other dependent components in response to any messages received from the Web Agent within the onEvent callback. Extending the EventDownlink created above, here is an example where we update some DOM element to display the amount of electricity a home has consumed this month. In this example, the remote web agent lane is a value lane.

downlink.onEvent = (value) => {
  /* Raw WARP message
     @event(node:"/house/electricityMeter",lane:stats){timestamp:1710272571408,currentReading:8432.7,prevMonthReading:7875.9,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter"} */

  // update UI view with latest value
  const consumption = value.get("currentReading").numberValue() - value.get("prevMonthReading").numberValue();
  document.getElementById("meterDisplay").innerText = `This home has consumed ${consumption} kWh this month.`;

Here is another example of an EventDownlink reacting to some updates. In this case, we are using them to keep track of a hotel’s reservations, and the lane to which we’ve connected is a map lane. We can tell it is a map-based lane because the incoming messages each have an additional “update” or “remove” tag. The tag can be used to help us determine how the UI should be modified.

const downlink = client.downlink({
  hostUri: "warp://example.com",
  nodeUri: "/hotel",
  laneUri: "reservations",
  onEvent: (value) => {
    /* Example raw WARP messages
       (update reservation)
       Record.of(Attr.of("update", Record.of(Slot.of("key", "12345"))), Slot.of("arrival", "2024-04-01T15:00:00Z"), Slot.of("nights", 1), Slot.of("guestName", "Jeff Lebowski"))
       (remove reservation)
       Record.of(Attr.of("remove", Record.of(Slot.of("key", "67890")))) */

    if (value.tag === "update") {
      const id = value.get("update").get("key").stringValue();
      const arrival = value.get("arrival").stringValue();
      const nights = value.get("nights").numberValue();

      if (existingReservations.find((r) => r.id === id)) {
        updateExistingReservation({ id, arrival, nights });
      } else {
        addNewReservation({ id, arrival, nights });
    } else if (value.tag === "remove") {
      const id = value.get("remove").get("key").stringValue();

      handleCancellation({ id });
    } else {
      // tag type not recognized


The format of an EventDownlink’s state is unconstrained, therefore, EventDownlink may not be passed any Forms and type annotation via that route is not supported. Any necessary typechecking must be done ad hoc within the onEvent callback.