
Version Note

This documentation describes Swim JS packages v4.0.0 or later. Users of earlier package versions may experience differences in behavior.


At the center of @swim/structure is the Item class, which defines an algebraic data type for representing and manipulating structured data. Item provides many methods for operating on structured values, most of which are closed over the Item type, meaning they always return other instances of Item. This closure of operations over the Item type makes it safe and expressive to traverse, transform, and convert arbitrary data structures, without excessive conditional logic to type check and validate structures obtained from external sources.

Every Item is either a Field or a Value. Every Field is either an Attr or a Slot. And every Value is either a Record, Data, Text, Num, Bool, Extant, or Absent. Think of Item as analogous to the set of all JSON values, with the inclusion of object fields as first class elements.

Swim data structures; Item, Field, and Value


A Field represents a key-value pair, where both the key and value are of type Value. An Attr is a discriminated kind of Field whose key is always of type Text. Every Field that is not explicitly an Attr is a Slot. Think of a Slot as a field of a JSON object, or as an attribute of an XML tag. Think of an Attr like an XML tag, where the key of the Attr is the tag name, and the value of the Attr is a Record containing the element’s attributes.


Every Item that is not a Field is a Value. A Value can either be one of four primitive value types: Data, Text, Num, or Bool; one of two unit types: Extant, or Absent; or the composite type: Record. Think of a Value as representing an arbitrary data structure.

Primitive Value Types

A Data object represents opaque binary data; it wraps a JavaScript Uint8Array. A Text object represents a Unicode string, and wraps a primitive JavaScript string. A Num object represents a numeric value, encapsulating a primitive JavaScript number. A Bool object represents a boolean value, wrapping a primitive JavaScript boolean.

Unit Value Types

There are two unit types: Extant, and Absent. Extant represents a thing that exists, but has no value; sort of like JavaScript’s null value, but a valid object on which you can invoke methods. Absent represents something that does not exist; similar to JavaScript’s undefined value, but a valid instance of Item.

Composite Value Type

A Record is a simple container of Item members, and is the only composite structure type. A Record containing only Field members is analogous to a JSON object — though, unlike JSON, its keys are not restricted to strings. A Record containing only Value members is similar to a JSON array. A Record with a leading Attr bears resemblance to an XML element. And a Record with a mixture of Field and Value members acts like a partially keyed list.

Item Reference

Since everything is an Item, each of these methods are available on every kind of structure.

isDefined(): boolean;

Returns true if this Item is not Absent.

isDistinct(): boolean;

Returns true if this Item is neither Extant nor Absent.

isDefinite(): boolean;

Returns true if this Item is not one of: an empty Record, False, Extant, or Absent.

isConstant(): boolean;

Returns true if this Item always evaluates to the same Item.

stringValue(): string | undefined;

Converts this Item into a string value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can’t be converted into a string value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("model")) // {value: 'Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter', hashValue: undefined, ...}
console.log(item.get("model").stringValue()) // "Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter"
console.log(item.get("currentReading").stringValue()) // "8432.7"
console.log(item.get("normalOperation").stringValue()) // "true"

stringValue<T>(orElse: T): string | T;

Converts this Item into a string value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can’t be converted into a string value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("foo")) // Absent {}
console.log(item.get("foo").stringValue()) // undefined
console.log(item.get("foo").stringValue("fallback")) // "fallback"

numberValue(): number | undefined;

Converts this Item into a number value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can’t be converted into a number value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("currentReading")) // {value: 8432.7, hashValue: undefined, ...}
console.log(item.get("currentReading").numberValue()) // 8432.7
console.log(item.get("model").numberValue()) // undefined
console.log(item.get("normalOperation").numberValue()) // undefined

numberValue<T>(orElse: T): number | T;

Converts this Item into a number value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can’t be converted into a number value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("foo")) // Absent {}
console.log(item.get("foo").numberValue()) // undefined
console.log(item.get("foo").numberValue(0)) // 0

booleanValue(): boolean | undefined;

Converts this Item into a boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can’t be converted into a boolean value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("normalOperation")) // {value: true, hashValue: undefined, ...}
console.log(item.get("normalOperation").booleanValue()) // true
console.log(item.get("currentReading").booleanValue()) // true
console.log(item.get("model").booleanValue()) // undefined

booleanValue<T>(orElse: T): boolean | T;

Converts this Item into a boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can’t be converted into a boolean value.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("foo")) // Absent {}
console.log(item.get("foo").booleanValue()) // undefined
console.log(item.get("foo").booleanValue(false)) // false

toLike: ItemLike

Converts this Item into the most appropriate JavaScript object. It will parse out strings, numbers, booleans, Arrays, or plain old JavaScript object. Nested structures are supported. Absent is coerced to undefined and Extant is coerced to null.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/user/1234",lane:orders)@update(key:"/order/123456"){timestamp:1710295106760,totalPrice:29.98,cart:[{itemId:"/item/789012",qty:2,unitPrice:14.99}]}

console.log(item.get('totalPrice').toLike()) // 29.98
console.log(item.get('foo').toLike()) // undefined
console.log(item.header('update').toLike()) // { key: "/order/123456" }
/* {
    @update: { key: "/order/123456" },
    timestamp: 1710295106760,
    totalPrice: 29.98,
    cart: [
        itemId: "/item/789012",
        qty: 2,
        unitPrice: 14.99
  } */

static fromLike: Item

Converts a JavaScript object into an item. Essentially the reverse of toLike. Nested structures are supported. BigInt and Symbols types are not supported. Undefined is converted to Absent and null type is converted to Extant. Values of NaN are preserved.

console.log(Item.fromLike(null)) // Extant {}

const obj = {
  string: "Hello, world!",
  number: "123456",
  boolean: true,
  nan: NaN,
  array: ["a", 2, { three: 3 }],
console.log(Item.fromLike().toString()) // Record.of(Slot.of("string", "Hello, world!"), Slot.of("number", "123456"), Slot.of("boolean", true), Slot.of("nan", NaN), Slot.of("array", Record.of("a", 2, Record.of(Slot.of("three", 3)))))
console.log(Item.fromLike().toLike()) // identical to original obj object

readonly key: Value;

Returns the key component of this Item, if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is a Value.

toValue(): Value;

Returns the value component of this Item, if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns this if this Item is a Value.

readonly tag: string | undefined;

Returns the key string of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr; otherwise returns undefined if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr. Used to concisely get the name of the discriminating attribute of a structure. The tag can be used to discern the nominal type of a polymorphic structure, similar to an XML element tag.

  WARP message; update to value lane's synced value
  @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}
console.log(item.tag); // undefined

  WARP message; key updated or added to map-based lane
console.log(item.tag); // "update"

  WARP message; key removed from map-based lane
console.log(item.tag); // "remove"

readonly target: Value;

If this Item is a Record, returns the flattened members of this Item after all attributes have been removed; otherwise returns this if this Item is a non-Record Value, or returns the value component if this Item is a Field. Used to concisely get the scalar value of an attributed structure. An attributed structure is a Record with one or more attributes that modify one or more other members.

flattened(): Value;

Returns the sole member of this Item, if this Item is a Record with exactly one member, and its member is a Value; returns Extant if this Item is an empty Record; returns Absent if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns this if this Item is a Record with more than one member, or if this Item is a non-Record Value. Used to convert a unary Record into its member Value. Facilitates writing code that treats a unary Record equivalently to a bare Value.

unflattened(): Record;

Returns this if this Item is a Record; returns a Record containing just this Item, if this Item is distinct; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Item is Extant or Absent. Facilitates writing code that treats a bare Value equivalently to a unary Record.

header(tag: string): Value;

Returns the value of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is an Attr whose key does not equal the tag. Used to conditionally get the value of the head Attr of a structure, if and only if the key string of the head Attr is equal to the tag. Can be used to check if a structure might conform to a nominal type named tag, while simultaneously getting the value of the tag attribute.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/user/1234",lane:orders)@update(key:"/order/123456"){timestamp:1710295106760,totalPrice:29.98,cart:[{itemId:"/item/789012",qty:2,unitPrice:14.99}]}

value.header('update'); // RecordMap {length: 1, fieldCount: 1, ...}
value.header('update').get('key'); // "/order/123456"
value.header('replace').get('key'); // Absent {}

headers(tag: string): Record | undefined;

Returns the unflattened header of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns undefined. The headers of the tag attribute of a structure are like the attributes of an XML element tag; through unlike an XML element, tag attribute headers are not limited to string keys and values.

head(): Item;

Returns the first member of this Item, if this Item is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns Absent.

tail(): Record;

Returns a view of all but the first member of this Item, if this Item is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is itself an empty Record.

body(): Value;

Returns the flattened tail of this Item. Used to recursively deconstruct a structure, terminating with its last Value, rather than a unary Record containing its last value, if the structure ends with a Value member.

readonly length: number;

Returns the number of members contained in this Item, if this Item is a Record; otherwise returns 0 if this Item is not a Record.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.length) // 4

has(key: ValueLike): boolean;

Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.has("model")) // true
console.log(item.has("currentReading")) // true
console.log(item.has("foo")) // false

get(key: ValueLike): Value;

Returns the value of the last Field member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/home/electricityMeter",lane:status){currentReading:8432.7,model:"Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter",normalOperation:true,timestamp:1710272571408}

console.log(item.get("model")) // {value: 8432.7, hashValue: undefined, ...}
console.log(item.get("currentReading").numberValue()) // 8432.7
console.log(item.get("model").stringValue()) // "Single Phase 4P Din Rail Energy Meter"
console.log(item.get("normalOperation").booleanValue()) // true

getAttr(key: TextLike): Value;

Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Attr member with a key equal to the given key.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/user/1234",lane:orders)@update(key:"/order/123456"){timestamp:1710295106760,totalPrice:29.98,cart:[{itemId:"/item/789012",qty:2,unitPrice:14.99}]}

console.log(item.getAttr("update").get("key").stringValue()); // "/order/123456"
console.log(item.get("update").get("key").stringValue()); // "/order/123456"

console.log(item.getAttr("totalPrice").numberValue()); // undefined
console.log(item.get("totalPrice").numberValue()); // 29.98

getSlot(key: ValueLike): Value;

Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Slot member with a key equal to the given key.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/user/1234",lane:orders)@update(key:"/order/123456"){timestamp:1710295106760,totalPrice:29.98,cart:[{itemId:"/item/789012",qty:2,unitPrice:14.99}]}

console.log(item.get("totalPrice").numberValue()); // 29.98
console.log(item.getSlot("totalPrice").numberValue()); // 29.98

console.log(item.get("update").get("key").stringValue()); // "/order/123456"
console.log(item.getSlot("update").get("key").stringValue()); // "/order/123456"

getField(key: ValueLike): Field | undefined;

Returns the last Field member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns undefined if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.

getItem(index: NumLike): Item;

Returns the member of this Item at the given index, if this Item is a Record, and the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of the Record; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but the index is out of bounds.

// WARP message
// @event(node:"/user/1234",lane:orders)@update(key:"/order/123456"){timestamp:1710295106760,totalPrice:29.98,cart:[{itemId:"/item/789012",qty:2,unitPrice:14.99}]}

console.log(item.getItem(0).key.stringValue()) // "update"
console.log(item.getItem(1).numberValue()) // 1710295106760
console.log(item.getItem(2).numberValue()) // 8432.7
console.log(item.getItem(99).stringValue()) // Absent {}

forEach(callback: (item: Item, index: number) => void)): undefined;

Iterates over every Attribute or Slot of an Item and executes the provided callback on it, receiving the individual Attribute or Slot and its index as arguments. If forEach is called on either Absent or an empty Record, the callback is never invoked as the Item does not contain a valid Attribute or Slot. If forEach is called on Extant, the callback gets invoked a single time with the Extant unit type.

evaluate(interpreter: InterpreterLike): Item;

Returns a new Item with all nested expressions interpreted in lexical order and scope.

readonly typeOrder: number; Returns the heterogeneous sort order of this Item. Used to impose a total order on the set of all items. When comparing two items of different types, the items order according to their typeOrder.